Starseed Root School of Traditional Healing
A Revillaging Project
We are living in a time where most of us have been disconnected from our ancestral wisdom, teachings and homelands for many generations.
This disconnect has produced a modern-day people who have forgotten many of the essential tenants of what it means to be human, and how to sustain the continuation of human life.
Evidenced in our health outcomes, political disasters, and climate change, the dis-ease of society is apparent to any of us who are paying attention.
We understand that at the root of our societal disease, are global and national structures that disempower people and the Planet. In contention, generating conflict, these structures invoke energies of disconnection and Death, instigating us to fight back.
Yet, rather than fight, we understand that the most effective, impactful use of our collective energy comes from creating structures and systems that support Life and our connection to it.

Our Founders

Rachelle Garcia Seliga
Is a Mother and wife and Certified Professional Midwife (CPM)— through the North American Registry of Midwives (NARM), whose work is dedicated to midwifing a cultural shift—honoring humanity’s innate wisdom, personal authority and the sanctity of Life. Rachelle is the founder INNATE Postpartum Care- Certification Training, where she has trained 400+ women, and impacted thousands of communities.

Donna Maria Camps
Originally from Trinidad W.I., and known as an ‘O-piai,’ a Traditional Medicine and Wisdom Holder, Donna Maria is a Sun Dancer and Ceremonial Leader, and has been leading Sweat Lodges, Vision Quests and other traditional, holistic, healing ceremonies for more than 22 years. Donna Maria is a Mother to 4 grown children.

Jose Juan Garcia Alfaro
Is a firekeeper of the Sun Dance Fire and as well as for the Temazcal (sweatlodge) ceremony. Juan runs ceremonies in the tradition of his ancestors, the Wirrarika people of Mexico. Juan grew up in rural Mexico, helping to build his family home, raise animals, haul water, hunt and harvest wild animals and plants; tending to his family’s hearth place with his Mother. Juan is a Gold and Silversmith by trade.
Our Model
Starseed Root works from the understanding that tending to the physiological design of human life (versus forcing our physiological design into societal frameworks) is one of the best ways to assure thriving life for humanity. Our programming is centered around four major facets of content, emphasizing the life-skills we believe are essential to forge new, healed ways forward as a collective:
At Starseed School we are spearheading a movement of Revillaging that is different from “intentional communities” of the past decades.
We are employing a model where spiritual maturity is of central focus; supporting the developmental needs of children and supporting adults in the necessary rites of passage, initiation, and witnessing for maturation into initiated adulthood and eldership.
The Primal Continuum of Human Life
Centered in Starseed Root School are classes, workshops and trainings that serve the period of life known as the ‘Primal Continuum of Human Life.’ This period of life begins at conception and lasts through the first three years postpartum, after the birth of a baby.
This is the period that directly shapes the architecture and “hard-wiring” of the human brain and the lifelong nature of the Mother-Baby and Father/Partner-Family-Community bonds.
Healing Ceremonies
Ceremony is the third facet of our programming. All founding members have been initiated into ceremonial traditions. The indigenous teachings and healing ceremonies that have been preserved through time – through the genocides of the past several thousand years – are here to support and exalt Life.
While the ceremonies we work with vary in lineage, the purpose of the ceremonies are to heal ourselves and our respective lineages.
Healing Arts Workshops and Mentorship
Within modern society’s constructs, we are not taught how to manage our energy, nor are we taught how to create lives that support, sustain and fulfill us.
Many of us in the modern world walk with a knowing that we are ‘missing ‘something’,’ but are unable to put a name to it. We are missing connection, knowledge and understanding of the elements (Earth, Air, Water and Fire), of each other, of ourselves and of our planet Earth.
To remember these ways of living in connection, is the only way that human beings will continue to survive on Planet Earth.
The Starseed Root School of Traditional Healing is:
- A land-based community and School of Traditional Healing; sharing the skills of living in connection and creating a new human culture.
- Working with the traditions of our ancestors in a modern context – to bring about a cultural shift that is based in the Sacredness of Life.
- Rooted in knowing our respective and collective histories, in honor of our ancestral lines, and working for a time yet to come.
- In service to Life – planting the seeds of visions through our work – that may not bear fruit until the children of our grandchildren are born.
- Facilitating community to restore rites of passage and communal ways.
- Supporting adults in their maturation in order to become the elders and eventual well ancestors who our collectives need to continue resourcing the living towards healing.
- For those who desire to remember their purpose on Earth/their purposeful work on Earth.
- A place to remember our joy and celebration of Life.

Seeds of Life Teachings
with Donna Maria Camps
At this time new seeds are being planted in the collective - new ways of being, new ways of thinking, new ways of seeing reality - everything is shifting. It’s not going to be how it was – it has changed – this is the shift into the new reality. Everything has to reset. We’re at that reset point at this time.
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