MOTHERFOODS: Maternal Nutrition and Humanity's Health
A FREE Class with Rachelle Seliga & Carly Rae Beaudry
Modern Mothers are deeply depleted. This depletion impacts Mothers AND children alike.
When we center the well-being of the MOTHERS - we are also centering the well-being of the children; our future generations.
We are currently living the consequences of multiple generations of a collective - that has FORGOTTEN their responsibility to MOTHERS.

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In this free class you will learn:
- How Mothers can grow their babies without depleting themselves
- How babies brains grow in utero and through breastmilk
- The connection between our children's cavities, crooked teeth, long term health problems and Maternal diet
- Blood building, nourishing foods and the womb
- Why do we need to step out of the detox paradigm
- The importance of Collagen and Elastin in Pelvic Diaphragm health
FOOD is foundational to the creation of thriving human life.
FOOD supports our potential of human expression.
FOOD has been used and is used as a weapon of mass destruction.
The indoctrinations we have received about FOOD have been construed
NOT by true understanding & care of health and wellness.

Can we set aside our food "preferences" and "opinions," and step out of our conditioned morality about FOOD - to align with our physiologic design?
There are specific foods that are REQUIRED in the childbearing continuum (from preconception through the completion of breastfeeding) - so that Mothers can grow human life without depleting themselves and so that children can live in excellent health.
There is a map, there is a way. We want to share this with you...
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MOTHERFOODS: Maternal Nutrition for Humanity's Health
- Is approximately 2.5 hours of DEEP knowledge
- Puts together puzzle pieces around what we are experiencing and witnessing as Mothers & babies - to create CLARITY
- Requires an open mind & heart to RECEIVE
- Demonstrates how our physiology requires animal foods to THRIVE.

Your Teachers:

Rachelle Seliga
Rachelle embraces the original meaning of the word âmidwife,â which is: caretaker of the people's health from âwomb to tomb,' and has spent the past 19 years working with women and families, in service to woman-centered/ family-centered birth, health and Life. She is the creator and director of INNATE Postpartum Care - postpartum wellness trainings for birth and healthcare practitioners, which has trained hundreds of practitioners and supports thousands of Mothers and families worldwide. All of Rachelle's work is dedicated to midwifing a cultural shift â honoring our innate wisdom, personal authority, and the sanctity of Life.
Carly Rae Beaudry