The #1 Cause of Birth Trauma

Sep 06, 2023
At this time within the birth world - there is a mass awakening to the reality that: The vast majority of birth trauma occurs because of the care practitioners themselves.
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Aug 15, 2021
If all the women on this planet FELT, INTEGRATED and UTILIZED our rage - Earth would be radically, beautifully, and immediately transformed.
RAGE is one half of a...
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Pelvic Health in Relation To Mental Health

Aug 01, 2020

When applying for continuing education units, for mental health professionals within the United States, through the NASW (National Association of Social Workers), I had a brief...

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Pathologizing Maternal Mental Health

Jul 01, 2020

Clearly, we have an epidemic in maternal mental health.

The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports approximately 20% of women in the United States experience postpartum...

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