Waking Beauty 

A retreat with Rachelle Seliga and Silvia Urbani

Sintra, Portugal
July 12th - 16th, 2024


The modern world is dominated by doing, speed and a constant sense of “too muchness.” It has our gaze fixed externally - often on inversions of Truth and ugliness. It is here that we experience disconnection from our bodies and confusion.

Nature's rhythms on the other hand are slow, clear and beautiful. The Elements offer to us deep containment and nourishment - aligning us with our inner wisdom and knowing.

Waking Beauty Retreat

is an opportunity to descend into ourselves; to rediscover the simplicity of the body and the innocence of our vital impulses and needs.

Together we will explore our inter-connection and resonance with Nature, and re-member the ancient technologies that live within our cells.


"Seek not the paths of the ancients; but that which the ancients sought."

Our tissues conform to cultural influences, and these influences lead us to inhabit the body in a specific but not natural way. 
We are unfreezing centuries of being shamed, controlled, gaslit and rationalized. 
In everyday life, we often live in states of survival - tending towards being tense, focused and sped up to meet daily demands. 
We often lose the essential orientation to our biological blueprint.
It is time for us to turn our gaze internally - to source from our internal wellspring - to WAKE UP the Beauty within us. 
We do this by slowing down into the natural body and resynchronizing with the subtle rhythms of Life and that which is Greater Than Us. 
In this way we can enter another dimension of reality - a dimension in which we deepen into Trust, Acceptance and Love for Ourselves. 
It is a dimension in which our inner colonizer must submit to Nature and Life itself. It is the Beauty Way.  

Rachelle Seliga is a Mother and a Midwife, whose life is dedicated to midwifing a cultural shift - in honor of our innate wisdom, personal authority and the sanctity of Life.

Silvia Urbani is a Mother and a Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and a Sex and Birth Support worker and dance artist. Silvia dedicates her work in offering holistic care to women during their transition into motherhood and beyond, to provide a safe space for the unfolding of life.

Five Days and Four Nights Together

This will be a very special and rare opportunity to gather in person with Rachelle Seliga and Silvia Urbani. We will share in the nourishment of togetherness, somatic practices, Temazcal/sweatlodge ceremony, delicious food and Wild lands.

This space will be deeply resourcing and potent. There will be time / space for the moment to unfold, but below is a basic schedule for our days:

We will have slow mornings. Breakfast at 8:30am. Then we will gather in circle from 10 - 1. Lunch at 1pm.

Afternoons will be open for integration, more informal connection, time in the wilds. Dinner is served at 6, then we will gather in circle again for the evening from 7 - 9.

Circle time will be devoted to somatic & movement practices and sharings. This time will be focalized - and - we will also choose the focus relative to what's alive in our field.

A friend of Rachelle's will be attending to offer integrating bodywork sessions (for an additional cost).

The closest airport to the retreat is Lisbon, Portugal.


Accommodation Options


$1090 USD

14 camping spaces available

Camp in a beautiful, private space on the retreat center grounds.

This cost includes:

  • Camping
  • All your meals
  • All the retreat offerings

Shared Yurt

$1155 USD

10 shared yurts spaces available

Experience lodging in a beautiful yurt.

This cost includes:

  • Bed in a shared yurt
  • All your meals
  • All the retreat offerings

Bell Tents

$1221 USD

8 shared bell tent spaces available

Share a beautiful bell tent space with one other woman.

This cost includes:

  • Bed in a bell tent
  • All your meals
  • All the retreat offerings


$1025 USD

14 hotel spaces available
Some shared rooms & some single rooms.
Pay hotel directly (information provided upon acceptance into retreat)

Stay at a hotel 3 minutes walk from the retreat.

This cost includes:

  • All your meals
  • All the retreat offerings

Waking Beauty Retreat will be a space of going deep into the Self by and through somatic practices and ceremony. We want to do our best to ensure the best container for the group that constellates.

Both Silvia and I will be reviewing all registration forms. If you are accepted, we will send you a link to pay for the retreat. We ask that you submit payment within 48 hours of receiving this link. Payment secures your spot. Once payment is submitted, we will send you a welcome packet with ALL of the logistical details of the retreat!

If we do not feel this retreat to be the best fit for you, we will let you know this via email.



"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you, in all of time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium, and it will be lost. The world will not have it.  

It is not your business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable, nor how it compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours, clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.  You do not even have to believe in yourself or your work.  You have to keep yourself open and aware to the urges that motivate you. 

Keep the channel open."

- Martha Graham