Rising Stars Homeschool Cooperative
Beginning the 11th of September this year.
Sandpoint, Idaho

Rising Stars Homeschool Cooperative is for children 12-14 years old (6th, 7th and 8th grade), and is centered around the core values of:
- Alignment with Steiner's / Waldorf philosophy and approach to children's developmental needs.
- Centering Nature, Community, Good food, Music and Art in daily life.
- Alignment with health / medical freedom - at this moment and from this moment forward - come what may.
- Alignment with and respect of biological reality - Women are biological females and Men are biological males.
- Protection of our children's innocence.
- Parents who have the vision & the will to co-create a beautiful day-to day reality for their preteens & teens
The monthly payment is: $950
Tuition adjustments are possible depending on each family's needs
AND the group that constellates for this cooperative.
* Will operate as a Private Membership Association
The curriculum is Waldorf/Steiner based/inspired,
loosely following a curriculum such as: The Earthschooling Curriculum
Main Teacher - Inner Circle Tending - Brittany Young:
Brittany is an impassioned educator who is rooted in the understanding that education is a vehicle for helping children to remember and honor their true nature while also discovering their unique relationship to the world within and around them.
Brittany has been a Waldorf lead teacher for 4 years and has worked with children from 1st through 8th grade. She holds a Masters degree in social and cultural foundations of education. As a guide, her foundational philosophy is: If we as adults aim to see the children clearly and respond to what we see with presence, respect and nurturance, then we contribute to the forming of the future generations in a vital way.
Brittany walks with a deep reverence for the Earth and weaves this into every approach she takes to teaching. Her work is also centered on rediscovering ways to honor and guide the youth during a most pivotal moment in their development as humans BEING in the world. She is elated to offer her gifts and passion as a part of this vision for the youth. She is also a mother and artist who thrives most when she can create and share from her heart and soul.
As this is a HOMESCHOOL COOPERATIVE, at least one parent of each child will be responsible for:
- Weekly: Assisting their children in completing any homework assignments that are given.
- Respond to any emails sent by main teacher.
- Bi-Monthly: All-families meeting / potluck
- Monthly: Each family is responsible for classroom involvement of 4 hours per month - the nature of this will be determined based on the needs of the teacher and classroom as well as what skills and expertise parents are able to offer.
- Bi-annually: Clean up party - to tend to the inside and outside of the homeschool cooperative space.
- Annually: Attending an annual weekend gathering sometime at the beginning of the school year where parents and children will be present to connect, learn, and create. This will give an exploration into different aspects of the curriculum.
IF you align with the above AND:
- You have children in this age range,
- You live in Sandpoint, Idaho.